
Terms and Conditions

General Electric Quadricycle Rental Conditions

F&A RENT S.r.l. rents the electric quadricycle under the terms and conditions set out on the front page and on the back of this form, which by signing this form are fully accepted with an express commitment to their observance.
Delivery and return
The electric quadricycle is in good working condition and without apparent defects and must be returned in the same conditions with all documents in the place and date indicated in this form. Any discrepancies must be highlighted upon delivery. F&A RENT S.r.l. reserves the right to regain possession of the vehicle at any time, without notice and at its own expense in the event of non-compliance.
Responsibilities of the renter
In the event of loss, damage or theft of the electric quadricycle during rental due to the renter’s liability, the latter must pay upon simple request the amount of all losses and damages suffered by F&A RENT including, but not limited to, the cost of repairs, the resulting damage , the loss of rental revenue and the costs incurred for the recovery and storage of the electric quadricycle.
Responsibilities of F&A RENT
F&A RENT assumes no responsibility for damages or losses suffered by the renter, if not due to his fault. However, none of these general conditions intends to exclude and/or limit the liability of F&A RENT S.r.l. for death or injury that depends on F&A RENT itself or any other type of liability attributable to it.
All charges indicated on the title page are calculated based on the agreed rates for the use of the electric quadricycle as specified. Use that does not comply with this contract may cause further charges in the amount of the agreed rates.
The rental amount includes:
– the rental fee and other charges relating to the rental itself;
– any charges for damages referred to in art.2;
– applicable taxes to the extent in force;
Violation of the highway code
During the rental period, the renter assumes full responsibility for all fines and any other consequences resulting from the violation of the Highway Code and parking bans.
If F&A RENT has to pay these fines, it will be charged the amount of the same increased by an administrative cost equal to 10% of the amount of the fine. F&A RENT will provide you with a copy of the fine notified.
Within the limits established by law, F&A RENT is indemnified from any claim connected to the circulation of the electric quadricycle and from any damage suffered in the circumstance of rental and not deriving from the responsibility of F&A RENT itself. Therefore F&A RENT expressly declines any form of responsibility for damages or losses of any nature of the renter or third parties complained about, reserving any action for compensation for facts and/or acts committed by the renter, which produce damages for F&A RENT itself.
Conditions of use
During the rental, the electric quadricycle must be carefully looked after, inserting and using every safety device installed on it. The lessee undertakes to:
– do not let third parties use the electric quadricycle;
– compliance with the highway code;
– not to transfer the rental to third parties for a fee;
– not to circulate in prohibited areas;
– to wear the supplied helmet. He also undertakes to ensure that any passengers also regularly keep the helmets supplied with the vehicle fastened.
The electric quadricycle is equipped with insurance coverage, this policy meets all legal requirements and provides coverage to the owner and/or authorized driver for the purposes of civil liability for damage caused to third parties resulting from the circulation of the quadricycle itself. The policy conditions are an integral part of this deed.
The renter is required to immediately report any road accidents in writing, as well as immediately reporting any thefts (total, partial or attempted) to the competent public security authority by submitting a copy to F&A RENT.
Personal objects
F&A RENT does not assume responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by personal items left in the electric quadricycle during the rental.
Processing of personal data
The lessee agrees to the processing of personal data for the execution of this rental agreement, as well as the use of the same for accounting and administrative purposes only (invoices, traffic violations, etc.) pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 and EU Regulation 679/2016 called “European Regulation on the protection of personal data” (GDPR)
The renter declares to be aware of the rules that regulate the use of the electric quadricycle entrusted to him and in particular of the mandatory use of helmets by the driver and any passengers (7). He also declares that the rented car was delivered to him together with safety helmets, one for each occupant of the vehicle and that he made sure that upon departure they were actually worn and properly fastened. F&A RENT declines any responsibility deriving from failure to use the helmet during rental. The renter also declares to be in possession of a valid and regular driving document.